Steps to be followed

  1. Contact us to discuss the Subject, timeline, Current status, desired status, etc.
  2. Submit your work (research paper, dissertation, or thesis) after discussion.
  3. Get an OK signal from us with a price quotation and timeline to finish work.
  4. Deposit Advance (minimum 50% of Quote) to start the work.
  5. Get a report when work is finished.
  6. Deposit pending amount.
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  9. Contact us back in case you want any revisions. (We will give you 3 free revisions.)

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Specifications (Read carefully before Submission)

We use the following settings to calculate the total number of pages to estimate the cost for both plagiarism checking and reducing the similarity index and all other services. 

    1. Page Size: Letter
    2. Line Spacing: 1.5″
    3. Margins(Left/Right/Top/Bottom): 1.5″/1″/1″/1″
    4. Font: Times New Roman (12 pt)

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We are pleased to invite Authors, Scientists, and Professors to submit original research articles for publication in UGC, SCOPUS, SCI, Web of Science, and EI Compendex journals, as well as reputable Springer, Elsevier, and IEEE International Conferences across disciplines (Arts, Science, Humanities, Medical & Health Sciences, Engineering, Technology, and Management).

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