Intentional Plagiarism can be defined as the act of deliberate theft of Literature. This Unethical Practice is against the Rules of UGC which may lead to serious consequences for anyone who commits this.
Many times Scholars have unique and original ideas, but they are not skilled enough to write and present them properly on their own, so they try to copy the language of some other author, which not only distorts their original idea but also leads to the misconduct of plagiarism.
If students does not get enough support then they are emotionally inclined towards cheating and may start act of plagiarism.
Scholars always wish to get good grades in their academic journey. Many times they face high pressure to excel in academics from family and/or teachers, or even they may feel peer pressure to get good grades. This leads them to run into an imaginary race, and they tend to do anything including the unethical practice of plagiarism due to this pressure.
Students have fear that they may fail to procure a degree, certificate or any other credit if they fail to meet their work objective.
This habit drags the situation until a point when a scholar is not left with enough time to do original work. So he or she is forced to plagiarize other people’s content and use it.
Many times scholars see thesis submission as a very unimportant part of their study; they consider it just a formality, which was not necessary, so they consider cheating as a nominal way to overcome this obligation.
As Plagiarism is still treated as unethical behavior and managed by the rules of organizations & not by Law and not as a crime, so many people are not afraid of the consequences of plagiarism.
This is also a very common phenomenon leading to plagiarism. The reasons behind this are lack of reporting and complaints against plagiarism.
Act of plagiarism may be intentional, or it may happen unintentionally (by mistake). Often rules or punishments decided for plagiarism by different authorities are the same for intentional as well as unintentional plagiarism because it is very difficult to identify if the act of plagiarism is intentional or has happened because of lack of knowledge and/or skills. The only two parameters that can be used to distinguish between Intentional and Unintentional Plagiarism are the Intent of the Scholar and the Level of Plagiarism and as we know knowing the intent of anyone is an extremely difficult task. Scholars or researchers often get cached up in the trap of Plagiarism because of lack of knowledge and skills. Here we are mentioning common mistakes done by scholars, which lead to unintentional plagiarism to make the scholars aware of what should not be done.
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